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This student handbook will present a first step in the quest for Springer Stingers to understand the opportunities this school has to offer.

Table of Contents



23-24 Springer Daily Schedule


Please do not arrive on campus before 8:10 as there is no provision for playground supervision until that time. If for some reason you arrive before 8:10, please wait by the front office benches.  Brunch and lunch offer time to enjoy healthy snacks and a healthy meal. Please wash your hands before eating. This is a great way to help all of us remain healthy. There is no reason to rush eating during these times. Please sit at your table area and take your time while eating. When you have completed eating your lunch, raise your hand letting the lunch supervisor know the eating area is clean and you are ready to go to recess. Students will be dismissed beginning at 12:15. Let's take great care in keeping the lunch areas clean of all Iitter.



Being ON TIME and IN CLASS is a goal for all Springer students.

  • Work extra hard with your parents and guardians to meet the challenge of BEING ON TIME. Take pride in the challenge that this is an important quality.
  • Perfect attendance is a goal to set for yourself right from the beginning of the school year. If you are ill or a family emergency comes up, please have your parent or guardian call the office before 9:00 am.
  • Schedule family vacations during holiday periods. If your child will be on vacation during school days for less than 5 days, the absence will be treated as an UNEXCUSED ABSENCE. The school loses all funding for this unexcused absence, and your child misses valuable days of instruction. If your child will be away longer than 5 days, an Independent Study Plan will be needed.
  • NEVER leave the campus during the school day. If your parent or guardian is bringing a lunch or a classroom project to you during the day, the office staff will deliver the lunch or package to your room.
  • If you arrive late for class, you must sign in at the office to receive a late arrival pass.
  • If you must go to an appointment with your parent or guardian, the legal adult guardian picking you up must come to the office, sign you out, and wait at the office. You will be called from your room. You must also sign out upon leaving the campus early. When you return your child to campus, please go to the main office to sign your child back in.



Bicycles: All bikes are to be locked to the bike racks. Please observe the one bike, one lock rule. Please lock the "knock off" wheel to the bike rack. Please walk your bike on the school grounds. Remember to place you bicycle helmet on your head immediately after unlocking your bike. The crosswalks on Rose Avenue are there for you to use when crossing the street. NEVER cross Rose Avenue, Cuesta Drive, or Springer Road without using the crosswalk.

Automobiles: Please exit your car at the drop off zone along the gate line in the parking lot. The parking lot is unsafe. Only children with a parent or guardian may walk through the parking lot before and after school.

Scooters, Skateboards, and Roller Blades: Students and parents may not ride scooters, skateboards or roller blades on the school grounds.  Scooters, skateboards and roller blades must be stored by the back door of the office.

Scooters, skateboards and roller blades are allowed on campus after 3:30 pm.

Helmets and pads are required for roller blade use either to and from school or for after school use.


Physical Education


For the sake of safety and health, please note the days physical education classes will take place. Wear tennis shoes on these days. Girls should wear pants or shorts on these days.


Classroom Requirements


All students in grades 3rd-6th will be responsible for maintaining and organizing a three-ring binder. This binder will hold a calendar and subject work.

Students are highly encouraged to carry a backpack with their name clearly displayed in the backpack in case of loss. Each teacher will discuss other classroom needs in the beginning of the school year.




Homework is any assigned activity which is primarily outside of the regular classroom time. Homework has a definite connection to success. It is not a replacement for regular classroom work, but could be an extension of classroom work.

Homework is important and required. Homework helps...

  • Develop study habits
  • Practice and review content learned in class
  • Motivate particular interests
  • Research relating to class activities
  • Provide time for reading
  • Use community resources like the library
  • Encourage creative work including writing
  • Include the family in the learning process

It is the student's responsibility to complete homework assignments every day. To achieve this goal, it is important that students remember to plan their after school hours to allow for quiet study time as well as fun and leisure time activities.

Springer recommends a homework setting that is quiet, well-lighted, and free from the TV or radio.




Springer Elementary School offers many different activities and enrichment programs for students during the noontime recess and after school.  Please see the most current of noontime activities, under About, Funvisor Noontime Student Activitie here

A current list of after school activities can be found under the Extracurriculars tab here


Rules and Responsibilities


School Wise Behavior Expectations

Computer Use Standards

The computers at Springer Elementary School are to be used to further the educational experience of all students at the school. These computer use standards are an extension of the Springer behavior standards, building a school culture that displays respect for learning, people, and property. In fact, one way to determine if your use of the computers is acceptable is to ask yourself whether your behavior in the electronic world would be acceptable if you acted in a similar fashion in the real world. The Springer Staff will help guide you in the proper use of the computer, but you are responsible for your own actions.


The use of the computers is a privilege made available to you. You may continue to be able to use the computers as long as you use them in a responsible manner. Minor violations of this policy will result in the short term suspension of your computer privileges. Repeated or major violations of this policy will be handled in the same way as violations of the Springer behavior standards.


Computer Use

Use the computer for school approved activities only. This includes assignments given by your teacher and using the computer as a reference tool.


Internet Use

Internet access is for classroom related projects and activities. The Internet is only to be accessed with the permission and supervision of a staff member.


Only do computer work that you would be willing to share with your teacher or parent. This includes information that you create and information that you may find while accessing the Internet.


Equipment Use

Leave the computer equipment in the same condition as you found it. This includes the physical machine and the files on the machine. It is your responsibility to avoid doing anything that would break the computer equipment, even if you did not understand the effects of your action.


Respect the property and privacy of other computer users, including your fellow students and school staff. Computer files may not seem like personal property but they are. You should not look at or copy another person's files unless you have been given permission by that person. Destruction of another person's files is a serious violation of behavior standards. The file you destroy may not be easily recreated.


E-mail Use

Respect other people when communicating electronically. Do not send a message to someone or about someone that you would not be willing to share in person.


Messages that contain rude, hateful, harmful, or foul language will not be tolerated.


To prevent problems, limit your use of humor when sending messages to other people. What you think is funny often does not appear that way to the person reading it. The effects of misunderstood humor can take a long time to repair.


Remember that a message sent by a computer can be much more permanent than something you say in person. What you say to another person is often quickly forgotten, but computer messages can live for a very long time, reappearing at anytime.


Be extra careful when sending messages to people outside Springer School, as you are representing our school to the outside world. No phone numbers, addresses, or credit card numbers are to be used in any communications.


Consequence for Unacceptable Behavior

Level One: A breech of good behavior on the first round is subject to a counseling discussion between the supervising adult and the child.


Level Two: If the breech of good behavior continues into a second round, the parent becomes involved in the consequential action.


Level Three: Subsequent misbehavior will result in the involvement of parents, staff, child, and Principal in the resolution of the breech of good behavior. Resolution may result in appropriate and suitable measures, including but not limited to suspension from class.



We are asking each child place their name on their jackets, sweaters, and backpacks. When an article of clothing is found, we will drop it by your classroom.

Forgetting Lunches


If you forget your lunch or an item you need for school, come to the office at the 10:00 recess break or during the lunch period to get your forgotten item. The Sixth Grade notice crew will deliver lunches and forgotten items at the 10:00 recess as a service to all students.



Textbooks have been furnished to your child on a loan basis.  (Book covers are recommended.)  Loss or damage to textbooks that have been loaned to your child will results in full payment of the fees by the student.

Musical Instruments


On music instruction days, 5th and 6th grade students will store musical instruments on the racks provided in rooms 21,22 & 23. All instruments must have a name and room number attached to the instrumental case. Instruments must be brought home each evening classrooms should not be used for long-term storage.



Cell phones:  Students are not permitted to use cell phones during the school day; this includes retrieving or sending messages.  If a student must have a cell phone for after school use, the cell phone must remain turned off and be kept in the student's backpack during the day.  All other electronic equipment MUST be left at home.  This includes MP3 players, hand-held games, etc.


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