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4th Grade Teacher
Jill Williams

My father said that I always wanted to be a teacher. Therefore, it was no surprise to my parents when I started teaching over two decades ago, in the same district where I had attended school. I earned a BA in Child Development from San Jose State University, a multiple-subject teaching credential from Notre Dame de Namur University, and an MA in education administration from SJSU. I have taught second, third, and fifth grade, enjoying special topics in each, such as local history, or the Revolutionary War. As curriculum and education evolves, I strive to improve my own teaching skills. My students have also taught me many life-lessons, and I look forward to connecting with each one throughout our year together, as well as in the future. When I’m away from the classroom, I find ways to creatively upcycle items, and I volunteer for Pound Puppy Rescue. I enjoy hiking, kayaking, and visiting the mountains with family and friends. I’m also a loyal 49ers fan, enjoying conversations about sports with my students.

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